Its around this time of year a lot of us (myself included) make New Years resolutions to get healthy. We go on diets and vow to stop eating _____ fill in the blank. But now I am on a quest to not only get my body healthy but also my home. They go hand in hand really. It started when I was watching an episode of
Dr. OZ - so glad he has has own show now. They had a segment about making your own household cleaner. I had my doubts on this one until I tried it. I am very happy with the way it works and smells. Its true, I always wondered about all the warning labels on "good" cleaners about using in a well ventilated area and not getting it on your skin. I would always rinse and rinse the bath tub after cleaning for fear of lingering cleaner getting into the bath water for the kids. So in a effort to get toxins out of our home and stop wasting water :) I have started using the
Safe Cleanser Recipe.
Start with the following ingredients:
1 Tbsp Borax powder (found in the laundry aisle)
3 Tbsp White vinegar
2 Cups water
1 Tbsp Dish soap
Essential oil - start with one drop and add more if you want a stronger scent.

The dish soap I had on hand was lavender but next time I will buy a citrus soap to match my essential oil.

I chose this Sweet Orange scent because I love the fresh clean smell of citrus.
Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle and start cleaning!